I can guess that
everyone I have ever met can relate to not wanting to do something, even when they know that doing it wouldn't take much effort at all and it would quickly improve their life. All gain and we don’t want to do it! Seems nutty but then I think this must be a
part of the human condition, because I’ve never met anyone that welcomes all healthy,
positive, fun or good opportunities right away.
There’s some element of reluctance in all of us on certain things. Exercise is a perfect example of my point. Over the years I have heard countless people
say countless times, “I know it would be really good for me but it’s just too
hard to get started,” and go on to say “I know I’ll have more energy and more
motivation to do things but I just don’t have enough time,” and go on to say “I
know I’ll be so much more productive so I probably will have more time once I
start, but I just can’t seem to get started,” and go on and on and on. I’ve said all these things myself without any
intention of actually exercising! It's crazy
really but everyone does it.
I have a couple theories
on why we have this strange unwillingness to do the ‘win wins’. One I wrote about last week. Fear of change. Self centered fear that facilities us metaphorically
shooting ourselves in the foot over and over and over again. Fears like: I might not be able to follow
through; it might be uncomfortable to change my routine; it might keep me from
handling all the things I usually do in the same manner I usually handle them; I
might not like it; people might look at me differently; etc. The logical error is easy to identify. Admit it.
These fears are ridiculous in light of the benefits we receive in
overcoming them. Don’t want to hang out
with friends tonight because you’re too depressed and people won’t want to be around
you? Get over yourself. They don’t care how you come. They probably don’t even care if you come. You will care. Overcome the fear that you won’t enjoy
yourself and that you will regret time missed reflecting on all the horrible
crap in your life and the one that says you’ll feel stupid and uncomfortable
the whole time because you won’t be able to entertain or relate to everyone
like usual. Just get off your butt and
go!!! Seriously, there’s nothing to lose
but a few hours of self imposed misery.
And that brings me to my
second theory on this issue. People are
lazy and we just don’t wanna. Pure and
simple. I’m not an exception to this at
all. When I’m in a lazy zone, it doesn’t
matter how little the effort; if it takes effort, I’m out. It’s sad but true. Imagine if when considering whether to do or
not do, I counted to three and went on go.
I would get to reap so many benefits that I’d simply let pass me by
otherwise. Now, I realize the lazy
factor is something that is hard to really find one real fix for but try
everything and then try everything again.
Maybe not one, two, three, go but something! What works for me at one time will not at
others and vice versa. Here are some of
my efforts:
1. When mornings are rough, I give myself
a few minutes to stay in bed from the time I last looked at the clock. I pick an exact time that I must be up by and
as that time nears, I begin my own countdown.
It’s weird but as competitive as I am, I am almost always up before the clock
reads the time I first chose.
2. When I don’t want to exercise at all,
I come up with the smallest amount of time I can possibly allow for a workout while
still believing I will benefit. I did
some yoga this morning but really needed to try some cardio even with my aches
and pains. I ran for 2 minutes. Yes 2. I walked for 8 minutes afterward. It’s a start!
3. When I don’t want to go somewhere, I try
to judge what an acceptable attendance time is for the event. I usually decide that all I have to do is
show up and I’ll be able to leave whenever I want to. If it’s a family deal or an event in honor of
something, I usually set an obligatory hour for myself. That’s a really short time frame and I outstay
my allotted hour nearly every time. I
get there and voila I have a social experience!
4. When I don’t want to go to work, eesh
every work day (I’m kidding! It’s not
that bad!), I use a laundry list of tricks.
One is to just to get there by blocking out all the thoughts projecting
how the day will go until I actually arrive at work. Another is trying to place something on the
other side of the work day or week that I really want to do. It makes getting through the work day way
more appealing and cathartic. Tons of
things come to mind but these two are keepers!
5. When I don’t want to try something
new, I consider what I have to lose by trying it. Usually the answer is either nothing or a
couple moments of my time. It seems
silly to give up an opportunity that I might really enjoy when all I’m looking
at sacrificing is not much of anything.
You feeling motivated
I can completely relate to this! One of the biggest things I catch myself on - all the time - is over thinking in the negative. I build events up to such huge proportions, putting things off as long as possible, giving myself anxiety to the point of hyperventilating - only to finally buckle down to whatever project needs doing and realize - it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be! It happens to me time and time again. And every time I have to give myself the "just imagine if you would have just jumped in from the beginning" speech. You know - the one that says how much I’d have accomplished by now if I just got up the first time I knew something needed doing? Yeah. That speech.